Ministry Services

  • Individual Spiritual Counseling

    Specializing in spiritual growth, grief and crisis, and recovery.
    6 weekly sessions
    2-hour sessions
    Texting support

  • Wedding Officiant & Pre Marital Counseling

    3 Pre-marital sessions (2 hours each session)
    Officiating the wedding ceremony, Including a dinner blessing
    2 Post-marital sessions (One at 3 months after the wedding, One at 6 months after the wedding) (2 hours each session)

  • Couples & Marriage Counseling

    6 weekly sessions
    2-hour sessions
    1st session is 1:1 with each spouse (1 hour for each person)
    2nd-6th session is with the couple
    Texting support that includes all three parties (Russ, Husband & Wife)